LEGO Modular Grand Central Railway Station

The Grand Central Railway Station built on two 32 x 32 studs Baseplates includes the main railway station building and the associated platformfor for boarding trains. That model will allow you to connect your own rail tracks giving comuters to properly access your LEGO Modular City.

The Grand Central Railway Station step-by-step building instruction booklet in pdf format is 178 pages long and corresponds to a grand total of 3182 or 1951 LEGO parts, whether in its complete fully tiled and furnished version or untiled-unfurnished version, respectiely. There are 6 part list files provided:

  • XML file (Bricklink upload part list) for the Grand Central Railway Station fully tiled and furnished,
  • XML file (Bricklink upload part list) for the bare version of the Grand Central Railway Station excluding inside tiling and furnishing so you can choose to adapt your building plan according to financial resources.
  • XML file (Bricklink upload part list) for the Grand Central Railway Platform,
  • XLS file (MS Excel spreadsheet, very helpful to manage your part quest) for the Grand Central Railway Station fully tiled and furnished,
  • XLS file for the  bare version of the Grand Central Railway Station.
  • XLS file for the Grand Central Railway Platform

LEGO Custom Grand Central Railway Station 3/4 front view


LEGO Custom Grand Central Railway Stationrear view


LEGO Custom Grand Central Railway Station front view


LEGO Custom Grand Central Railway Station boarding platform


LEGO Custom Grand Central Railway Stationground floor top view with its toilet area on the right, double stairs covering the coffee stand in the middle and newstnd on the left


LEGO Custom Grand Central Railway Stationfirst floor with the traffic control area on the right and the seafood restaurant on the left and seafood buffet in the middle


LEGO Custom Grand Central Railway Station terrace


LEGO Custom Grand Central Railway Station side roof top


LEGO Custom Grand Central Railway Station central glass roof


LEGO Custom Grand Central Railway Station Frontispiece


LEGO Custom Grand Central Railway Station cover page of the  pdf step by step building instructions booklet


EGO Custom Grand Central Railway Station exemple of page 59 of the pdf step by step building instructions booklet


LEGO Custom Grand Central Railway Station back page of the  pdf step by step building instructions booklet


LEGO Custom Grand Central Railway Station components render